Who are we
The Pistachio of Bronte on the Web
Pistasta.it is a database open to all pistachio producers who want to make direct sales to consumers, its main goal is to eliminate all intermediaries there are between the countryside and the consumer's table.
It is a useful tool for:
The consumer who can buy the real pistachio of bronte or its derivatives directly from farmers or craftsmen, and so buy them at a lower price.
Manufacturers and artisans as they can increase their profits.
How does it work?
The farmer or the craftsman (pastries or food laboratories) through this portal offered by Pistasta.it may get Internet users to know their products.
Sales on-line
Pistasta.it allows, thanks to the Internet, users to reach pistachio farmers who otherwise would not be easily reacheable.
The system is easy to use, economical and flexible and works around the world.
If you are a producer and you want to sell the fruit produced please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our goal
Our goal is to enhance knoledge of Bronte's area products and sell products 100% guaranteed by the farmers through the Internet.
It is also to create more competition and transparency, the more bargaining power for producers, more benefits for 'local agriculture and consumers.
Copyright (C) 2011 - Pistasta.it Tutti i diritti riservati - Essedi IT Consulting